The Brain

The Human Brain has three main parts the Cerebrum, Cerebellum and the Medulla. Every part of the brain has different Jobs.

The cerebrum has many jobs one of witch is to store memory and receives messages.

The cerebellum helps with your movements smooth and graceful rather then a robot.

The Medulla is the part of the brain that controls heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure.

The brain does not control reflex action.


The cerebrum has many jobs one is to store memory and to receive messages from sense organs. For example sounds that might be interperted as music, laughter, or a whistle also for sight like bright colors. The cerebrum is also the center for muscle control like messages for pain or touch. On page 316 in your book you can see the size of the cerebrum and were is it located in your head.  Controls thought and reason, center of muscle control. It interprets messages from sense glands. It also Controls personality and mermory.


The cerebellum is another important part of the brain its main job is it helps keep your balance. and another thing is that it helps makes your moments smooth. SO in other works less like how a robot moves and more like human like. Another join is to control the voluntary actions, also the medalla helps with that.


The medulla controls autonomic functions, and relays nerve signals between the brain and spinal cord. It is also responsible for controlling several major points and autonomic functions of the body.
List of functions
blood pressure